Together We Can Perform Miracles
The Friendship Circle

The Friendship Circle's unique approach brings together teenage volunteers and children with special needs for hours of fun and friendship. These shared experiences empower children with special needs, while enriching the lives of everyone involved.

The Friendship Circle Vision

We envision a world in which children with special needs and their families experience acceptance, inclusion and friendship.

We envision a time when children with special needs with be seen and accepted as contributing members of society.

We envision stimulating programs and activities in which teen volunteers, children with special needs, and their families find meaning, purpose, and self-value.

We envision a Jewish community that embraces children with special needs and their families, and allows each person to contribute in his/her own way.

We envision teen volunteers developing into leaders of tomorrow’s Jewish community; leaders who are sensitive to others and their needs.

We envision a world filled with love and respect for everyone, regardless of age, race, religious affiliation, or personal differences.

How can you help complete the circle?

How can you help complete the circle?

  • Do you know a teenager who would like to be a volunteer?

  • Do you know a family that can use extra help in their home with children who have special needs?

  • Would you like to support our programs and help us continue the work of the Friendship Circle?

The Friendship Circle is made up of five parts: volunteers, children, parents, staff, and supporters. The true beauty of the Circle is how we all link together to form a seamless circle of friendship. Together, we can perform miracles.

"It was so sweet---Ezra invited his friends to his b’day celebration this past Tuesday.  Michael was the only one of his friends who came.  He was the hit and highlight of the evening" FC Mom ~ JK
"Friendship Circle has taught me that not everyone has a friend or a social life like a regular teenager. You have to be friends to those who are different because one playdate can make their week."  Volunteer ~ AZ